Joining Us on the Journey

Welcome to Saint Theodore's Episcopal Church in Bella Vista, Arkansas! If you're a young person looking for an unforgettable adventure that will deepen your faith and broaden your horizons, we invite you to join us on a youth pilgrimage to Canterbury and South England. Here are just a few of the many benefits that you can expect to gain from this journey: 

  1.  Exploring the roots of the Episcopal Church: Canterbury is the historic seat of the Archbishop of Canterbury and a center of Christian worship and learning for over 1,400 years. By visiting this historic city, you will have the opportunity to explore the roots of the Episcopal Church and deepen your understanding of its rich history and traditions.

  2. Spiritual growth and development: As a young person, you are at a critical stage in your spiritual development. By traveling to Canterbury and South England and immersing yourself in the rich spiritual traditions of the Episcopal Church, you will have the opportunity to deepen your faith, explore your beliefs, and connect with God in a powerful and meaningful way.

  3. Cultural exchange and personal growth: Canterbury and South England are rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. By visiting these destinations, you will have the opportunity to meet and interact with people from different backgrounds and cultures, explore new places and experiences, and develop important skills such as communication, problem-solving, and leadership.

  4. Fun and adventure: We believe that travel should be fun and exciting, and our youth pilgrimage to Canterbury and South England is designed to offer plenty of opportunities for adventure and exploration. From exploring the historic streets of Canterbury to hiking the scenic countryside, there is no shortage of exciting experiences to be had on this journey. 

At Saint Theodore's Episcopal Church, we are committed to supporting the spiritual growth and development of our youth. We believe that this pilgrimage to Canterbury and South England is an excellent opportunity for young people to explore the roots of the Episcopal Church, broaden their horizons, make new friends, and have fun while experiencing all that these historic and beautiful destinations have to offer. We invite you to join us on this life-changing journey and discover the many benefits that it can bring to your life and your faith. Please contact Christina Erdman for more information at